Minimum Qualifications 18 + Driver’s license High school diploma/GED Second form ID/I-9 Verification Clean drug test (administered by apprenticeship during orientation)
Application Process Applications accepted throughout the year Available online: Submit the following to [email protected]:
Completed application
Driver's license
Social security card or I-9 verification
High school diploma/GED
Attend a one-day, hands-on assessment where you will be evaluated on your problem solving, agility, effective listening, communication, hand-tool coordination, punctuality and strong work ethic Selected candidates shall attend an 80-hour pass/fail class, a passing grade is required to become an apprentice
Western Washington South Seattle College Georgetown Campus - Building D #116 6737 Corson Ave S Seattle, WA 98108 206-762-9286 ext. 1 [email protected]
Starting Apprentices $31.26 Wage $20.27 Benefits $51.53 Total Journey Workers $52.10 Wage $2027 Benefits $72.37 Total Starting Apprentices $22.83 Wage $16.89 Benefits $39.72 Total Journey Workers $38.05 Wage $16.89 Benefits $54.94 Total
Minimum Qualifications 18 + Driver’s license High school diploma/GED Second form ID/I-9 Verification Clean drug test (administered by apprenticeship during orientation)
Application Process Applications accepted throughout the year Available online: Submit the following to [email protected]:
Completed application
Driver's license
Social security card or I-9 verification
$150 initiation fee if accepted into apprenticeship
Western Washington Renton Technical College Building E 3000 NE 4th Street Renton, WA 98056 206-762-9286 ext. 1 [email protected]
Eastern Washington Spokane Community College 3223 N Market St Spokane, WA 99207 206-762-9286 ext. 1 [email protected]
Starting Apprentices $30.98 Wage $20.44 Benefits - when you reach 70% Apprentice $51.42 Total Journey Workers $50.47 Wage $20.44 Benefits $70.91 Total
Starting Apprentices $18.87 Wage $16.89 Benefits - when you reach 70% Apprentice $35.76 Total Journey Workers $37.73 Wage $16.89 Benefits $54.62 Total